
by Marius Von Mayenburg
translated by Maja Zade

Stories Like These
Australian Theatre for Young People 2013

Director Luke Rogers
Designer Lucilla Smith
Lighting Designer Sian James-Holland
Sound Designer Nate Edmondson
Producer Peter Gahan
Stage Manager Angharad Lindley

Ryan Bennett
Darcy Brown
Darcie Irwin-Simpson
James Lugton
Lucy Miller

Photography  Phyllis Wong

Whoever gets close, gets burned.

There’s something going on with Kurt and Olga.

Kurt loves Olga. Olga loves Kurt. They want to be together forever, without ever having to grow up and become like Mum and Dad. They’re just normal siblings trying to escape the endless humiliation of being a teenager.

But when Olga meets her first boyfriend, Kurt’s obsession turns to anger and his dangerous hobby threatens to burn their world to the ground.

This family is about to explode.

Marius Von Mayenburg (The Ugly One, Moving Target, Schaubühne's Hamlet), one of Germany’s most exciting playwrights, delves deep behind the façade of the family home to reveal a world filled with sexual desire, violent liberation and destruction.

was a Stories Like These production in association with the Australian Theatre for Young People.


– Arts Hub

“7/10... Engrossing... excellent design... strong performances”

– Sun Herald

“Rogers manages to keep the tension building. Simply staged… [he] puts the focus firmly on the performances. The cast of five are all convincing… Fireface is certainly unsettling and sends you home pondering what you’ve just seen.”

– Jo Litson

“Challenging and dark… powerfully staged, and at times dreadfully frightening… imbues Marius von Mayenburg’s play with tremendous depth, and cliché or not, it is literally on fire”

– Alternative Media Group

Fireface is powerful and thought-provoking… This is a strong cast… Together with Rogers, the work they have created here is intellectually demanding, and an artful triumph.”

– SuzyGoesSee

Fireface touches a deep chord in our fragility and provokes curiosity about human behaviour”

– Sydney Arts Guide

Fireface is a beautifully rich play, and this production is brilliant. The performances are superb and director Luke Rogers’ staging is a joy to watch”

– Theatre Red

“All the performances are excellent… This is such a professional piece… intelligent direction… compelling…totally engrossing. Thumbs up!”

– Oz Baby Boomers

“A lingering portrait of domestic despair”

– Sydney Morning Herald

“Highly recommended”

– SX News




Shoot / Get Treasure / Repeat