The Pillowman

by Martin McDonagh

New Theatre 2013

Director Luke Rogers
Designer Loren Elstein
Lighting Design Ross Graham
Sound Design Nathalie Taylor
Stage Manager Sophie Fairweather

Julian Dibley-Hall
Lauren Dillon
Michael Howlett
Ondine Karpinellison
Peter McAllum
Phoenix Southall
Jeremy Waters
Oliver Wenn

Photography  Bob Seary

In a nameless totalitarian state, a writer finds himself the subject of interrogation over a series of gruesome child-murders that seem to mirror the plots of his stories. As the investigation delves deeper, shocking truths are revealed when the writer's twisted tales are brought to life, blurring the line between fiction and fact.

The Pillowman is a suspenseful and wickedly funny psychological thriller that explores the dark corners of the human imagination and the exhilarating power - and danger - of storytelling itself. This is a viciously funny and seriously disturbing play that walks the very fine line between comedy and cruelty. The Pillowman is as black as comedy gets.

The Pillowman was a New Theatre production.

“McDonagh’s nasty tour de force gets a crisp going over by director Luke Rogers.. A good-looking, tightly-framed production ... a twisting turning rollercoaster through a house of horrors” 7 out of 10

– Sun Herald

 “Impressively staged ... a theatrical gem”

– Stage Whispers

“Some of the most hypnotic storytelling you’ll see on stage”

– Australian Stage Online

“Standout moments ... the unusual story and good acting keep you guessing throughout”

– Time Out

 “Has a trippy black energy ... ponder theatre’s power to make you sit still and listen”

– Sydney Morning Herald

 “Director Luke Rogers’ production of Martin McDonagh’s play is a top night of theatre”

– Theatre Red


Shoot / Get Treasure / Repeat


Play House